The TaskForm synchronization app is used for synchronizing data with third-party software.
By starting the app at regular times via the windows task scheduler, the sending and retrieving of data can take place automatically.
Place the following files in a folder on the server:
Structure config.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SyncXML Filename=""/>
<API CompanyId="" IntegrationKey=""/>
<Database Driver="Firebird" Server="servername" Filename="pathtodbfile" DatabaseName=""/>
<WatchFolder Folder=""/>
Enter the companyid and integration key, you can find it or create a new one at ‘Organization’ on the dashboard.
Fill in the connection details or your local database.
Accepted Drivers are: Firebird, ODBC
for Firebird add the servername and filename (local path to database on the server)
for ODBC specify the DSN name in DatabaseName
Commandline options:
-p <sqlscriptfile> -n <data source name> -i <externalid>
Upload tables to the server for use in the app
<sqlscriptfile> .sql is the query to retrieve data from the local database
<data source name> is the name of the data source on the TaskForm server. The name is overwritten
<externalid> is the externalid of the data source on the server. The externalid must exist on the TaskForm server.
The results of the query are (temporarily) stored in <data source name>. Json and then sent to the TaskForm platform.
-s <importscriptfile>
Retrieve data entered on forms and further process it.
- import script file & gt;. xml is the import script in which the forms to be requested and the output format are recorded. Click here for a description of the scripting language.
-t <taskfile.json> [<id>]
Send task to the TaskForm server
- taskfile.json & gt; is the file in which the task data is stored in JSON format.
- id & gt; if an existing task needs to be updated, enter the TaskId here.
-tf <taskfilesfolder>
When files accompanying the task must be included (specified in the & lt; taskfile.json & gt;), they are searched in the & lt; taskfilesfolder & gt;