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We have moved to providing the majority of our v2 API documentation through our API Explorer.
The Explorer allows you to browse each available endpoint and its supported HTTP verbs, view the model properties and even test out calls to the API right there in the API Explorer.
Simply put its a integrators dream and we think it makes API integration projects that much easier to implement.
While the primary focus of the Explorer is on JSON format requests and responses, there are some areas where you can specify an XML response type to get an idea of what the API requires and responds with on the XML side too.
The API Explorer is a dynamic, living document of our API and is generated directly from our API code, thus allowing you to have confidence that what you see in the Explorer is exactly what is supported and available right now on the API.
Each available API endpoint is outlined in the Explorer, with Model and Model Schema tabs/links which reveal the structures involved in request and responses.
The Model tab/option on each endpoint in particular provides detailed descriptions of the various field definitions and structure relationships.
As a rule, the /search endpoints on the main API entities provide the most amount of detail for the common structures of that entity.
e.g.!/task/getv2tasksearch provides detailed descriptions of our Task entity and its related structures when you click the Model option under that endpoint.
You can access the API Explorer right now on: – For the US based node – For the European based node – For the Australian based Node
To see which node you should access, simply look at the URL of your web browser when you are viewing the web portal.
It differs in the first part of the URL ie secure or secure-eu or secure-au and just use the corresponding link.
If you are using a branded website, simply tack “/apiexplorer” onto your custom domain name to access it.